Sorry for lack of updates recently, haven't had a chance to get to an internet cafe. I am now in the country of Laos, North of Thailand. So what has happened since my last post?

Last couple of days and nights in Chaung Mai were good fun. Went out to a Thai club and dranks lots of whisky, then headed back to the guest house and drank more. Ronit and Tony didn't make it til sunrise but me and Gemma kept drinking and then I woke surrounded by people eatting breakfast.

On my last full day in Chaing Mai I decided to do a bungee jump, something I have been meaning to do for years. Seeing as its about half the price it is in the UK I decided to take the chance.

The jump was great fun, will try and find a higher one next time as 50 metres isn't enough.
I had decided to work my way north and out of Thailand to Laos. They don't have any McDonalds there so I had to crapulate at the McD in Chaing Mai before leaving.
For our last night in Chaing Mai we went to see some Thai boxing at a bar. It was entertaining but I don;t think it was real. The real Thai boxing happens on specific nights and this was just to bring people in to the pub.
After the boxing we were enjoying a quiet drink when an American guy came up to me and said "hey man where you from?"
"Scotland" I replied,
"Gee, I though you were American, you kind look American"
And then he left. Five minutes later he came back and said "So man, are you in the military?"
"No, I work with computers" I replied
"Gee, I just figured with the army shorts you must be in the military. Say how would you like to work in Iraq?" He said, pronouncing Iraq as "Eye Rack"
"Sounds good, tell me more" I said.
"Well if you come over I can get you a job in Logistics. What do you say?"
"Sorry, I have a job to start in London soon" I said. But had it not been for the fact I do have another job to go to I might have taken his offer, although there is a good chance he was just making it up.
So we left Chaing Mai and headed for Chaing Rai, once there we got a bus to Chaing Kong. The bus was fantastic as it had a video karaokee machine, subs and I was the only white guy on it. Unfortunately all the songs were in Thai and they didn't have any Barry Manalow, Ken Dodd or Kate Bush :(
Once in Chang Kong we went to the Bamboo Riverside Guesthouse which was fantastic. Lots of nice little Bamboo huts with hamocks outside and a fantastic mexican menu.
The guy who ran the place seemed abit crazy and reminded me alot of MaryLou in Magalluf. He went on at length about how people who cook by recepies are not chefs and the the same is true with blues music. And when I asked him for directions to the local disco he acted out why I have to be careful.
The next day we headed for the boat across the Mekong river to Laos. We took a speed boat over the river and then checked in a Passport control. I had to pay 1500Baht for my Laos visa but I didn't have a spare passport photo on me. Luckily the border police let me through without a visa or to go to a shop and get my passport photocopied.
When I was filling in the visa application there was a fat american guy sitting across from me. He was wearing an Appocolypse Now T-shirt which was kinda in bad taste seeing as how Laos was the most bombed country during the Vietnam war. He turned to his mate and said "Hey man, do you think I should be using this pen to fill in the visa?"
"What does it say?" His friend replied."
"U.S. Government" he answered.
We then headed for the dock again to get our 2 day slow boat to Luang Prabang.
The boat was over crowded and uncomfortable and not the most fun way to spend two days. But I had my iPod, a copy of Retro Gamer Magazine and a case of Laos Beer so I was happy enough.
So I have now been in Luang Prabang for afew days now and have been financially supported by my travelling companion Ronit because I didn something really stupid. I never thought to check out the situation with ATMs in Laos, and seeing at its pretty much 3rd world they don't have any that work with international bank cards! So tomorrow morning I get some money from Western Union that my family have generously transfered for me. I should have got it on Friday afternoon, but there is only one Western Union machine in the country, and its in the capital, and the office there closed at 3pm so the money couldn't be transfered to the local bank. So tomorrow monring I will hopefully be heading off to Vang Veing, and from there I have no idea yeat, but probably south.
The local currency here is not the easiest. It's called Kip is worth so little its crazy. A 1000 kip note is worth about 7 pence. So this means your pockets are always bulging with notes and when you get change you end up with way too much paper. Also I am now trying to think in UK Pounds, Thai Baht, Laos Kip and U.S. Dollars to as they are used alot here due to the low value of the Kip.
Luang Prabang has been OK, but it is expensive by Thailand standards and Laos is supposed to be cheaper. I mean imagine paying 4 pounds UK per night for an air conditioned room, rip off! =) The highlight of my time in Luang Prabang has probably been jumping off waterfalls. I watched themonks do it first and when I saw was safe gave it ago my self. After that all the westerners followed.
Today visited the Buddha cave. This is a cave were buddish monks go to worship and leave little buddha statues behind. I don't know much about Buddism but it seems to be the only religion which makes any sense, and the monks wear funk orange robes.

Thats all from me for now. I have more stories but they will have to wait until next time =)
Looks like ure havin an amazin time mate! nice one doing the bungee jump, dunno if i could bring myself off a 50m high platfrom.
Nuthin much happening with me, still just working in Sydney. hope your bus journey goes ok!
U may sometime come to indonesia, its beautiful place too
Yo chris,
Hope your having a good 1,
Your pal,
yes are all dafties...
bungee jumpin's a mugs game !!!!
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