In Ko Phangan now. This this is my favorite place yet. Not sure how to describe it to people who haven't been, but think of Magalluf, with no British drunks in football tops causing trouble, no Spanish, no Lookielookies and a bunch of cool stuff happening all the time. This is the kinda place I could stay for a few months, years.

Went out to Thai boxing the other day here, very entertaining, going again tonight. Met a guy called Sam, from Holland who speaks English with a Brooklyn accent. Got chattin to him for a bit then realised we had the same shoes. When Sam noticed and told me in his New York accent it reminded me of the episode of friends where Joey meets his identical hand twin.

After boxing went out on Haad Rin beach and got messy with some buckets of Thai Whisky. Had a good time so did the same again the next night, lots of drinking, dancing and we jumped through a ring of fire.
Me, Sam (Holland), Kovan (Canana), Naiomi (Holland)
The next day I started a 3 day diving course whch I have just completed. It's the internationally recogised course which allows me to dive anywhere in the world with out an instructor. Was alot of fun and definately worth the money. I can now dive to 18 metres and know how to use all the equiptment and sort out problems if I get in to trouble. So now I have my Open Water certificate the next step is to get my Advanced Open Water which mean I need to do 5 speciality dives, such as a wreck dive, night dive, deep dive etc. Going to try and get the Advanced Open Water finished while I am still in Thailand. That means once I get home I just have to do a Rescue Diving course and a Dive Master course and I will be a Dive Master and can help out with instructing.
So that is my back up plan. If i don't like working with computers any more I will come back to Thailand get a job with a dive shop. Its one of the few jobs europeans get do over here that actually pay ok money.
Now I am off to eat, drink and watch some Thai boxing. Tomorrow I will maybe go shopping, go Kite Boarding and then head to the Full Moon party, which is the biggest beach party in the world!
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