Not done any uni work yet but planning to.
Hungover now, and was yestarday to, telling everyone I meet that i dont feel so good.
Saddly I have done nothing to increase my Penile Virility this weekend, although I did go swimming yestarday.
Pulled on Friday, a nice girl who I met last week. Was supposed to be going for a drink with her today but when I spoke to her last night as I was leaving the hive I remember her saying to me "I'm not going for a drink with you now cos I saw you trying it on with my friend and another girl next to her at the bar." I don't remember doing this but it probably did happen.
Went to a party last night, strange story. Last week went back to this flat with a goth girl and an american guy. Was drinknig whisky until 6am and was very drunk. Woke up in the morning and staggered out of the flat. Saw the american guy on Tuesday and he invited me to his party last night. So me and No Slack and even Duncan my boring flat mate who doesnt like going out went to this party. Saddly the goth girl who I met the week before wasn't there. I was speaking to another girl who was very interesting, spoke to her for about half an hour then turned out she is flat mate of the goth girl. It was then she realised she had met me before. "Oh my god, your that sleazy guy from last week! You asked for my number and my flatmates number then challenged us to an arm wrestle." I dont remember this but it probably did happen.
Also at the party I saw this guy i recognised from Tuesday. He's a friend of the guy who said he was going to kill me. I said "Hey, you know the guy with the laugh" He said "Yeah, he really doesn't like you!". Unfortunatly he didn't know why he was so angry at me so I told him to pass on my appologys for what ever I had done to wind him up so much.
I over heard this girl in the sauna the other day telling the guy she was with that "FIsh can't hold their breath". I can understand this. The guy seemed to ignore her and change the subject, terrible. If I was a girl who gave me useful informaton like that I would thank her and try and repay her with more useless knowledge like "If a shark stops swimming it will die."
Got my mobile replaced today. Dropped the last one in a pint and the buttons stopped working. Gonna try and look after this one better.
Interesting dream the other night: I was driving along a road in spain on a scooter. I saw a friend of mine standing in the road so I stopped. He was standing next to a giant cactus. The cactus smelt terrible. Not sure what this means if anything. Suggestions?
Heard my favorite word mentioned on TV last night, PLOP!
Here's a picture of Dimitry the Russian doctor in his casual evening atire:
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