Friday was quite a sucessful night. Went to the pub at 5pm and started drinking. Introduced 80s guy to team L.
After afew drinks I went up and did some karaokee "Copacobanna":
Abit later went to the GU. I met a guy in the toilets there who was throwing up. I tried to get a picture of this but i was to slow. I asked if he could do it again. He tried by sticking his fingers down his throat but couldnt do it. :(
A bit later on I was sitting on my own. No Slack had gone for drinks and Brin has gone for women. A nice looking girl came and sat next to me and said:
"Is your name Chris?"
"Yes", I replied.
"Do you remember me? I gave you my number outside the GU a few months ago?" she said
"Hmm, No I dont remember that sorry." said I
I really don't remember this but it probably did happen. After appologising to her I suggested she give me her number again, while I was relatively sober. I sent her a message last night asking her out sometime this week. She replied saying that she probably has to work all this week but if not will let me know. So we'll see if anything happens.
Last night Duncan put his clothes in the washing machine. He then went to get the washing powder. While he was away I put a sausage in the washing powder drawer of the machine. Upon his return he was most confused by what he saw.
Although this did not spark quite the reaction I was hoping for it gave me an idea. I went to my tool box and pulled out a screwdriver and a screw. I then proceeded to screw the sausage to the front door of the flat. Once I had completed this task I named the sausage "Bert", and left him there as a warning, of what exactly I don't know. I believe this has a similar impact to the boar's head in Lord of the Flies.