One night JieBie were walking back to our flat in Bondi when we happened upon a church. The church had a huge banner out side advertising "Monte Fair". The though instantly struck us that this banner would look great in our flat. Of course we could not steal a banner which advertised a church event, but the date of Monte Fair was for the previous day, meaning the fair had passed as we would be doing them a favour by taking it down.
We took it down and carried the banner home, where we sellotaped it to the wall then fell asleep. When we awoke, the banner had fallen down, and in our now sober state, did not look as fantastic as it did the previous night.
It was a Sunday as we needed something to do. We thought about putting the banner our on our balcony, but that would just advertise the fact we took it. Struck by a sudden moment of genious, we decided to turn the banner over and write something on the blank reverse side.
Our first choice was of course "International Bawbag Society", but after writing the word International it was clear that we couldn't fit it on. Society was substituted with HQ and after one hour of outlining with a ball point pen, then filling in with a marker, the banner was ready.
We put it out on the balcony and stood on the other side of the road, admiring our handy work with great pride.
People walked past the flat, people looked at the banner, people looked confused. The poor Ausies have trouble wioth the word Bawbag for some reason, it does not seem to be in their vocabulary. Unfortunatley, even though they couldn't he understand it, the landlord took offense.
"What is this International Bawbag HQ?!?!" he asked, when we opened the door to him at 11pm.
"Ah, the banner, its just a friendly welcome message. It means we are international travellers. A bawbag is like a backpacker." I replied.
"You take this down now!" said the landlord.
"Why?" asked I.
"Why! Because the council will fine me $1000 for advertising with out a permit!' exclaimed thew landlord angrily.
I was quite upset by the landlords opinion of the banner. The International Bawbag Society is a non-profit organisation, and I don't see how our banner could constitute advertising in any way. The way I see it is that it is no different to having the name or number of your house on display.
We had to submit to the landlords wishes however, but atleast we have this photo to remind us of our old HQ:
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