Here's a couple of pics from my Pizza Hut work night out:
Yes I am Elvis!
I'm worried about having enough time to revise for exams even though I have left work. This is because I am busy growing a beard. Although I do feel that a beard will make me look more distinguished, it is not through choice. Someone has STOLEN my razor. I could buy I new one but I will not as a mark of protest! I am no longer satisfied with my current lodgings. I live with 2 teachers. Teachers and me don't mix well as I discovered when I was at school. People keep using my dishes and not washing them. As I am moving off to Majorca soon and have no need to take my dishes with me I have stopped washing them. This means other people use my dishes expecting me to wash them, but they go unwashed and will remain to do so.
I feel sorry for the poor children being taught by these teachers who cannot even conduct their home life in a social mannor.
2 Days ago I killed 15 flies in the kitchen before going to the library. This flat used to be nice to live in, but no longer. I have now cesed my home making efforts in an act of despair.
Look out for Videos on the site ASAP!
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